cheap sous vide

Sous vide, a culinary technique that involves cooking food in vacuum-sealed bags at precise temperatures has taken the culinary world by storm. Once reserved for high-end restaurants, this method is now accessible to home cooks, thanks to affordable sous vide devices. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of cheap sous vide, exploring its benefits, best practices, and how to choose the right device for your needs.


Key Takeaways:

  • Sous vide allows for precise temperature control, ensuring perfectly cooked meals every time.
  • Affordable sous vide devices have made this gourmet cooking technique accessible to home cooks.
  • When shopping for a sous vide device, consider factors like power, temperature range, and user-friendliness.

Why Choose Sous Vide?

Precision Cooking

With sous vide, you can achieve a level of precision that’s hard to match with traditional cooking methods. Whether you’re aiming for a perfectly medium-rare steak or a tender piece of fish, sous vide takes the guesswork out of the equation.

Consistent Results: The Sous Vide Promise

One of the most celebrated advantages of sous vide cooking is its ability to deliver consistent results. But what does this consistency entail, and why is it so sought after in the culinary world? Let’s delve deeper into the magic of uniformity that sous vide promises.

Uniform Cooking from Edge to Edge

Traditional cooking methods often expose food to high heat from a single direction, such as the bottom of a pan or the flames of a grill. This can lead to uneven cooking, with the exterior being overcooked while the interior struggles to reach the desired temperature.

  • Sous Vide Difference: By immersing food in a water bath set to the desired final cooking temperature, sous vide ensures that the entire piece of food reaches the same temperature simultaneously. This means a steak can be perfectly medium-rare from the outer edge to the center.

Elimination of Overcooking

The fear of undercooking often leads home cooks to leave food on the heat for longer than necessary, resulting in overcooked, dry, or tough results.

  • Sous Vide Solution: Since the water bath never exceeds the set temperature, there’s virtually no risk of overcooking. Even if food remains in the bath longer than the minimum required time, its temperature won’t rise, ensuring it remains perfectly cooked.


Achieving the perfect dish can sometimes feel like a stroke of luck, with attempts to recreate it leading to varied results.

  • Sous Vide Precision: With the ability to set exact temperatures, sous vide allows for the replication of perfect results every time. Whether you’re cooking a dish for the first time or the hundredth, the outcome remains consistent.

Flexibility in Cooking Time

While traditional methods often require precise timing, sous vide offers a more forgiving window.

  • Extended Window: Once food reaches its target temperature, it can often remain in the water bath for hours without any degradation in quality. This flexibility is especially beneficial for busy individuals or for hosting events, ensuring food is ready when you are.

Enhanced Food Safety

Consistency in sous vide isn’t just about taste and texture. It also plays a crucial role in food safety.

  • Even Heat Distribution: The uniform temperature ensures that all parts of the food reach safe temperatures, eliminating potential cold spots that can harbor harmful bacteria.

By offering unparalleled consistency, sous vide removes the guesswork from cooking. It ensures that dishes are not only delicious but also safe and perfectly cooked every single time, making it a favorite among both professional chefs and home cooks.

Enhanced Flavors

Cooking food in its own juices amplifies its natural flavors. With sous vide, flavors are locked in, resulting in dishes that are more flavorful and aromatic.

Choosing the Right Sous Vide Device

When it comes to selecting a sous vide device, there are several factors to consider:

Power and Heating Speed

A powerful device heats water quickly, reducing the time you spend waiting. Look for devices with at least 800 watts of power for efficient heating.

Temperature Range and Accuracy

A wide temperature range offers more versatility. Ensure the device can accurately maintain the set temperature for consistent results.


Opt for devices with intuitive controls, clear displays, and user-friendly interfaces.

Cheap Sous Vide Options to Consider

While there are high-end sous vide devices on the market, several affordable options deliver excellent results. Here are some of our top picks from:

1. Imersa Elite Sous Vide Cooker

The Vesta Precision Imersa Elite is a sous vide immersion circulator designed for precision cooking. It offers a powerful and efficient way to cook food to the perfect level of doneness by circulating water at a precise temperature. The device is Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled, allowing users to control and monitor the cooking process remotely via a mobile app. With its sleek design and user-friendly interface, the Imersa Elite ensures consistent cooking results every time. Whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook, this machine will elevate your culinary skills to the next level.

2. Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker

The Anova Culinary AN500-US00 Precision Cooker is a sous vide machine designed for precision cooking. It offers consistent temperature control, ensuring that meals are cooked to perfection every time. The device is easy to use, with a user-friendly interface and a durable design. It can be attached to any stockpot or container, making it versatile for various cooking needs. The Anova Precision Cooker also comes with a mobile app, allowing users to monitor and control the cooking process remotely. With its advanced features and reliable performance, this sous vide machine is a must-have for culinary enthusiasts.

3. KitchenBoss Sous Vide Ultra

The KitchenBoss Sous Vide Cooker is a precision cooking device designed to provide consistent and accurate temperature control for culinary perfection. With an ultra-quiet design, this cooker ensures a noise-free cooking experience. It is equipped with a touchscreen digital control and a stainless steel sleeve, making it durable and user-friendly. The device offers a temperature range of 104°F to 194°F, ensuring precise cooking for various dishes. Whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook, the KitchenBoss Sous Vide Cooker promises to elevate your cooking game.

4. Dash Chef Series Stainless Steele Sous Vide

This immersion circulator is designed to provide precise temperature control, ensuring that your food is cooked to perfection every time. Whether you’re preparing meats, vegetables, or desserts, the Chef Sous Vide Immersion Circulator ensures consistent and optimal results. Made of durable stainless steel, it’s built to last and easy to clean. Its intuitive interface allows for easy temperature and time setting, making it a must-have tool for both professional chefs and home cooks. Experience the art of sous vide cooking with this high-quality immersion circulator.

5. Breville Joule Sous Vide

The Breville Joule Sous Vide is one of the smallest and sleekest sous vide tools available, standing at just 11 inches tall and weighing 1.1 pounds. Its compact design allows it to easily fit into a top drawer, saving valuable kitchen space. Despite its size, it packs a punch with 1100 watts of power, ensuring rapid water heating. The device is equipped with both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, allowing users to connect via iPhone or Android. The Joule app offers a Visual Doneness feature, showcasing exactly how the food will turn out, ensuring perfect results every time. It’s designed to work with 120 V outlets and offers a unique blend of efficiency and precision for the modern kitchen.

Sous Vide in Action: Videos to Inspire

For those new to sous vide or looking for inspiration, here are some YouTube videos that showcase the technique in action:

  1. Sous Vide Basics Video
  2. Gourmet Recipes Using Sous Vide
  3. Tips and Tricks for Sous Vide Cooking

Cheap Sous Vide: Delving Deeper

In the first part of our exploration into the world of affordable sous vide cooking, we touched upon the basics and benefits of this culinary technique. In this continuation, we’ll address some frequently asked questions and provide additional insights to enhance your sous vide experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ideal temperature for cooking steak using sous vide?

The perfect temperature for steak depends on your preferred doneness. For a rare steak, 52°C (125.6°F) is recommended. Medium-rare lovers should aim for around 56°C (132.8°F), while those who prefer medium should set their device to 60°C (140°F).

Can I sous vide without a vacuum sealer?

Absolutely! While vacuum-sealed bags ensure minimal air presence, you can also use the water displacement method with zip-lock bags. Just submerge the bag in water, allowing the pressure to force out most of the air, then seal it.

How long can I leave food in a sous vide cooker?

While sous vide allows for extended cooking times, it’s essential to follow recommended durations for each food type. Overcooking can alter the texture, even if the temperature is controlled.

Advanced Sous Vide Techniques

Sous vide isn’t just about cooking food to perfection; it’s also about experimenting and discovering new culinary horizons.

Brining Before Sous Vide

Brining, or soaking food in a saltwater solution, can enhance flavor and tenderness. For instance, chicken breasts brined overnight and then cooked sous vide can be incredibly juicy and flavorful.

Layering Flavors: Deepening the Sous Vide Experience

Sous vide cooking, with its precise temperature control, ensures consistent results in terms of texture and doneness. However, the flavor profile of a dish is a canvas waiting to be painted with various ingredients. Layering flavors in sous vide cooking can transform a simple ingredient into a symphony of taste. Here’s how you can master this art:

Marinades and Brines

Marinating or brining your main ingredient before sealing it in the sous vide bag can infuse it with deep, robust flavors.

  • Marinades: Mixtures of oils, acids (like vinegar or citrus juice), and seasonings. They not only flavor but can also tenderize tougher cuts of meat.
    Tip: For meats like steak, a marinade of olive oil, crushed garlic, rosemary, and a splash of balsamic vinegar can work wonders.
  • Brines: Saltwater solutions that can impart moisture and flavor to meats, ensuring they remain juicy during the cooking process.
    Tip: For poultry, a simple brine of water, salt, sugar, and herbs can elevate the end result.

Aromatics and Herbs

Introducing aromatic vegetables and herbs into the sous vide bag can subtly flavor the main ingredient.

  • Aromatics: Ingredients like onions, garlic, celery, and carrots release their flavors over the extended cooking time, complementing meats or fish.
    Tip: For fish, a few slices of lemon and sprigs of dill can add a refreshing note.
  • Herbs: Fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, basil, or cilantro can infuse their essence into the dish.
    Tip: Lamb pairs beautifully with rosemary and garlic, while basil can enhance the sweetness of tomatoes.

Spices and Seasonings

Whole or ground spices can be a game-changer in sous vide cooking. Their prolonged exposure to the main ingredient at controlled temperatures ensures a deep infusion of flavors.

  • Whole Spices: Ingredients like bay leaves, star anise, or whole peppercorns can impart a nuanced flavor profile without overpowering the dish.
    Tip: Star anise can add a subtle licorice note to pork or duck.
  • Ground Spices: Spices like paprika, cumin, or coriander can be sprinkled onto the main ingredient before sealing the bag.
    Tip: A sprinkle of smoked paprika can give a faux-smoked flavor to meats.

Butter and Oils

Introducing fats into the sous vide bag can carry flavors and ensure a rich, mouthfeel to the finished dish.

  • Compound Butter: Butter mixed with herbs, spices, or even citrus zest. As the butter melts, it bathes the ingredients in flavor.
    Tip: Garlic and parsley butter can elevate a simple sous vide chicken breast.
  • Flavored Oils: Oils infused with herbs, spices, or even chili can add a kick or depth to the dish.
    Tip: A drizzle of truffle oil can transform a sous vide potato dish into a gourmet experience.

By understanding and experimenting with these layers of flavor, you can elevate your sous vide dishes, ensuring that every bite is a journey of taste and aroma.

Finishing Touches: Elevating Your Sous Vide Creations

After the precision of sous vide cooking, finishing touches can elevate your dish from great to gourmet. These final steps, often quick and simple, can add layers of flavor, texture, and visual appeal to your meal.

Searing for a Perfect Crust

One of the most common and effective finishing techniques for sous vide-cooked meats is searing. This process creates a Maillard reaction, resulting in a flavorful crust that contrasts beautifully with the tender interior.

  • Tools: A cast-iron skillet or a heavy-bottomed pan is ideal for searing because of its heat retention properties.
  • Technique: Ensure the pan is scorching hot, add a high smoke point oil, and sear the meat for just 1-2 minutes on each side.

Herb Infused Oils

Drizzling herb-infused oils over your sous vide dishes can add a burst of flavor. For instance, basil or rosemary oil can elevate a simple sous vide fish or vegetable dish.

  • Technique: Gently heat your choice of oil and add fresh herbs, letting them infuse for several hours. Strain and store in a cool place.

Reduction Sauces

Using the juices left in the sous vide bag, you can create rich reduction sauces. These sauces, concentrated in flavor, can be drizzled over meats or vegetables.

  • Technique: Pour the bag juices into a pan, add wine or broth, and simmer until reduced to a sauce-like consistency. Season to taste.

Garnishing for Visual Appeal

The visual presentation of a dish plays a crucial role in the dining experience. Fresh herbs, edible flowers, or even a sprinkle of specialty salts can make your sous vide dish look as good as it tastes.

  • Tips: Choose garnishes that complement the flavor profile of your dish. For instance, fresh dill is perfect for sous vide salmon, while microgreens can add a touch of elegance to many plates.

By incorporating these finishing touches, you not only enhance the flavor and texture of your sous vide creations but also transform them into restaurant-quality dishes.

By Erica Kelly

Hi I'm Erica Kelly, welcome to my blog! I live in in sunny Florida, I'm a dedicated Miami Dolphins fan and a lover of all things culinary, I explore the world through my travels and share these experiences on this blog. When I'm not on the road or savoring new cuisines, I'm contributing to the healthcare industry with dedication and compassion. My life is a unique tapestry of professional commitment, sports enthusiasm, and an endless pursuit of new adventures.