Best Air Purifier for Allergies: Top Solutions for 2023

Air purifiers have become an essential household appliance for those who suffer from allergies. Allergens such as pollen, dust, pet dander, and mold spores can cause sneezing, itching, and other uncomfortable symptoms. The purpose of an air purifier is to remove these allergens from the air, providing relief for allergy sufferers and promoting a healthier living environment.

Choosing the right air purifier for allergies can make all the difference in your daily life. One of the key factors to consider when selecting an air purifier is its filtration system. The best air purifiers have multiple stages of filtration, including High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters, which can capture particles as small as 0.3 microns. This ensures that even the tiniest allergens are trapped and removed from the air.

Another important factor to consider is room size. The optimal air purifier is one that can effectively clean the air in your specific living space, so it’s essential to choose a model with a suitable coverage area. Additionally, you may want to look for air purifiers that include advanced features such as smart sensors, adjustable fan speeds, and low noise levels for a more enjoyable user experience.

We’ve carefully researched and tested a variety of air purifiers to find the best options for allergy sufferers. In the following sections, we’ll present our top recommendations and discuss their features in depth to help you make an informed decision.

Best Air Purifiers for Allergies

We have carefully researched and compiled a list of the top air purifiers specifically designed to combat allergies. Browse through our selection to find the perfect air purifier for your needs.

LEVOIT Air Purifier for Home Allergies

LEVOIT Air Purifier

The LEVOIT Air Purifier is a great choice for those needing relief from allergies caused by airborne particles.


  • High performance with VortexAir Technology and 360° air intake
  • Multiple filter choices catering to different needs
  • Quiet operation with Sleep Mode and display light control


  • Bulky design might not suit all spaces
  • Filter replacements might be costly over time
  • May have limited effectiveness in large areas

We recently tested the LEVOIT Air Purifier for Home Allergies and found it to be an excellent choice for those suffering from allergies, pet dander, and other airborne irritants. The device’s high-performance VortexAir Technology, 360° air intake, and impressive Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) all work together to efficiently purify air in rooms up to 1095 sq. ft.

The air purifier offers multiple filter choices, including the Toxin Absorber Filter for smog, toxins, and VOCs, the Smoke Remover filter for wildfire and smoke, and the Pet Allergy Filter for capturing pet dander and absorbing odors. This versatility allows users to target specific issues in their living space.

One of the standout features of the LEVOIT Air Purifier is its quiet operation. With Sleep Mode enabled, the device’s noise level is reduced to a near-silent 24dB, perfect for a good night’s sleep without any disturbance. Users also have the option to turn off the display light for a completely dark room.

The purifier’s bulky design might not be suitable for all spaces, and those with small rooms may find it challenging to fit. Additionally, the cost of filter replacements could add up over time, which may be a concern for some.

Lastly, while the purifier works great in enclosed spaces, its effectiveness may be limited in larger open areas or areas with high ceilings. In such cases, an additional unit or a more powerful model might be necessary to effectively purify the air.

Overall, the LEVOIT Air Purifier for Home Allergies is a solid option for those in need of allergy relief and improved air quality. With its high performance, multiple filter choices, and quiet operation, it’s worth considering for your home.

JOWSET Air Purifier for Large Rooms

JOWSET Air Purifier

This JOWSET Air Purifier is a perfect choice for allergy sufferers seeking a powerful and efficient air purifier for large rooms.


  • Large room coverage of up to 1830 sq ft
  • Impressive 4-stage filtration system with H13 HEPA filter
  • Smart automatic adjustments with air quality sensor


  • A bit on the pricey side
  • Limited design/color options
  • May require frequent filter replacements

We recently used the JOWSET Air Purifier in our home, and we were impressed with its performance. Its large room coverage, thanks to the advanced Turbo-air Technology and 360° air intake, made a noticeable difference in purifying the air in our spacious living and dining areas.

The 4-stage Filtration system with an H13 HEPA filter exceeded our expectations, capturing 99.97% of airborne particles, including dust, smoke, pollen, and pet dander. As allergy sufferers, this feature was crucial for us. We also appreciated the efficiency in eliminating cooking odors and maintaining fresh air in our home, despite having multiple pets.

The built-in PM2.5 sensitive infrared air quality sensor with a color-coded light system allowed us to see the real-time air quality in our space. The purifier intelligently adjusts its settings based on the sensor readings, ensuring the air remains clean and healthy.

The sleep mode feature, operating at a quiet 24 dB, allowed us to enjoy a peaceful and uninterrupted slumber. Moreover, the convenient IR remote control, timer function, and child lock added to the user-friendly experience of this air purifier.

In conclusion, the JOWSET Air Purifier is a powerful and efficient air purifier that we highly recommend for anyone suffering from allergies or looking to maintain clean air in large rooms. Its advanced filtration, smart automatic adjustments, and user-friendly features make it a worthwhile investment for improved air quality in your home.

LEVOIT Air Purifiers for Home Large Room

LEVOIT Air Purifier

The LEVOIT Air Purifier is a great addition to your home, especially if you have allergies or pets, for fresh and healthy air.


  • Large room coverage
  • Effective 3-stage filtration system
  • Smart WiFi and customizable schedules


  • Might be bulky for some spaces
  • Off-brand filters not recommended
  • Requires regular filter maintenance

We’ve found the LEVOIT Air Purifier to be effective in cleansing the air in large rooms up to 1900 square feet. Its powerful 3-stage filtration system, including H13 True HEPA Filter and High-Efficiency Activated Carbon Filter, works efficiently in trapping common allergens, pet dander, and undesirable odors.

One feature we appreciate is the large bedroom coverage – the Vital 200S can purify a 380 ft² room 5x per hour, a 950 ft² room 2x per hour, and a 1900 ft² room 1x per hour. This assures us that the air quality is consistently maintained across different room sizes.

The smart WiFi capability is also a nice touch, allowing us to create schedules, customize fan speeds, and access the air purifier settings via the Vesync app. We also found the Pet Mode particularly helpful in alternating between high and medium fan speeds to efficiently capture pet fur and maintain fresh air without causing clogs.

On the downside, the LEVOIT air purifier can be a bit bulky, so it might not fit well in smaller spaces. Additionally, it’s essential to use genuine LEVOIT filters for optimal performance, as off-brand filters may cause damage to the unit. Lastly, the 3-stage filtration system needs regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure optimum efficiency.

Overall, we recommend the LEVOIT Air Purifier for allergy sufferers and pet owners who need a powerful and customizable air purifying solution for their large living spaces.

JOWSET Smart Wi-Fi Air Purifier

JOWSET Smart Wi-Fi Air Purifier

The JOWSET Smart Wi-Fi Air Purifier is an excellent investment for anyone looking to improve air quality in large rooms, especially for those suffering from allergies.


  • Powerful purification for large rooms up to 1400 Ft²
  • 4-stage filtration system capturing 99.97% of airborne particles
  • Smart features with Alexa integration and scheduling options


  • Larger and heavier than some competitors
  • Some users may prefer a more minimalist design
  • Made in China, which may be a concern for some buyers

We recently started using the JOWSET Smart Wi-Fi Air Purifier in our home, and we’re incredibly impressed with its performance. The advanced Turbo Air Technology and 360° inlet allow it to quickly and efficiently clean large spaces like our living room and bedroom. Additionally, allergy sufferers in our home have noticed a reduction in allergy symptoms.

The 4-stage filtration system is highly effective at capturing a wide range of airborne particles, such as dust, smoke, pollen, and pet dander. The HEPA filter is particularly useful, as it captures ultra-fine particles which are often the most irritating for allergy sufferers. The activated carbon filter works well at neutralizing odors, making our home smell fresher and cleaner.

The smart features of the JOWSET air purifier have been fantastic. We appreciate the ability to control the purifier with Alexa, making it very convenient to turn on and off or adjust settings as needed. The scheduling feature has also become a part of our daily routine, allowing us to run the purifier during specific hours or when we know allergens will be at their highest.

While we enjoy many aspects of the JOWSET Smart Wi-Fi Air Purifier, there are a few drawbacks. For one, it’s larger and heavier than some competitors on the market, which may make it challenging to move or fit into certain spaces. Additionally, its design may not be to everyone’s taste, as some may prefer a more minimalist look.

Lastly, the product is made in China, which may be a concern for some buyers. However, we have not encountered any issues with the quality or performance of the purifier.

Overall, we highly recommend the JOWSET Smart Wi-Fi Air Purifier for anyone looking to improve the air quality in large rooms and alleviate allergy symptoms. The powerful purification, 4-stage filtration, and smart features make it a valuable addition to any home.

LEVOIT Core Mini Air Purifier

LEVOIT Core Mini Air Purifier

The LEVOIT Core Mini Air Purifier is a must-have for allergy sufferers seeking improved air quality and better sleep.


  • Efficient and quick air purification
  • Ultra-quiet operation
  • Compact and space-saving design


  • May not be suitable for larger rooms
  • Limited to essential oil aromatherapy
  • No remote or smart features

We recently introduced the LEVOIT Core Mini Air Purifier into our bedroom and have noticed a significant improvement in the air quality, especially during allergy season. The 360° VortexAir Technology 3.0 and 3-stage filtration work together to swiftly purify the air, ensuring we breathe healthier and sleep better.

What we particularly appreciate is the quietness of this compact purifier. Even at night, the noise level stays as low as 25dB, which is hardly noticeable, allowing us to rest without disturbance. Its small size (6.5 × 6.5 × 10.4 inches) makes it perfect for bedrooms, offices, or living rooms with limited space.

A standout feature is its aromatherapy function. We love adding a few drops of our favorite essential oils to the aroma pad to keep the room smelling pleasant. However, it’s worth noting that the device’s scenting abilities are limited to essential oils and may not mask stronger odors.

While the LEVOIT Core Mini Air Purifier has made a significant difference in our bedroom, it might be less effective in larger rooms due to its compact size. Additionally, this purifier lacks remote control or smart features found in more advanced models. Despite these drawbacks, we believe this air purifier is an excellent addition to any allergy-prone individual’s home, offering quick air purification and discreet operation.

Buying Guide

When looking for the best air purifier for allergies, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure that the chosen product meets your needs. In this buying guide, we will discuss key features you should look for to make an informed decision.

Room Size Compatibility

First and foremost, consider the size of the room where you plan to use the air purifier. Most manufacturers provide recommendations for the maximum room size their product can effectively purify. Measure your room’s dimensions and compare it to the purifier’s coverage area to ensure it is suitable.

Filter Type

There are various types of filters used in air purifiers, with the following being the most popular:

  • HEPA: High-efficiency particulate Air (HEPA) filters are the gold standard for filtering allergens. They can capture up to 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns, which includes dust, pollen, and pet dander.

  • Activated Carbon: These filters are ideal for removing odors and chemicals from the air. They might not be as proficient as a HEPA filter in removing allergens, but they do an excellent job of eliminating unpleasant smells.

Some air purifiers offer a combination of these filters for a more comprehensive approach in tackling allergens and odors.

Noise Level

Noise is an important factor, especially if you plan to use your air purifier in a bedroom or any quiet space. Examine the decibel (dB) levels of the product and try to select a purifier within a comfortable range, commonly below 50 dB.

Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR)

The CADR measures the air purifier’s ability to remove specific particulates from the air, such as dust, pollen, and smoke. A higher CADR indicates a more efficient air purifier. It’s crucial to compare the CADR ratings of different products to ensure that you’re choosing the best one for your needs.

Consider these features when selecting an air purifier for allergies, and you’ll be well on your way to finding a suitable product that can help improve the air quality in your space.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of air purifiers are most effective for allergy sufferers?

We recommend HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter-based air purifiers for allergy sufferers. These devices have been proven to effectively capture small particles like pollen, mold, and pet dander, providing significant relief from allergy symptoms.

How do air purifiers reduce allergens and dust mites?

Air purifiers use filters to capture allergens and dust mites from the indoor air. HEPA filters, for instance, are designed to trap particles as small as 0.3 microns, which includes common allergens like pollen, pet dander, and mold spores. As air circulates through the purifier, the filter removes these particles, resulting in cleaner air.

Which air purifier is best for asthma and pet allergies?

While several purifiers can help alleviate asthma and pet allergy symptoms, we suggest models with both HEPA filters and activated carbon filters. The HEPA filter captures pet dander and other allergens, whereas the activated carbon filter removes pet odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

What are the top-rated air purifiers for bedrooms?

Some highly-rated air purifiers for bedrooms include the Coway AP-1512HH Mighty, Winix 5500-2, and Levoit LV-H132. These devices are known for their quiet operation, efficiency, and effective removal of airborne allergens, making them ideal for a restful sleep environment.

Do air purifiers from Amazon have good allergy relief performance?

Yes, many air purifiers available on Amazon provide excellent allergy relief performance. It’s always important to research and read customer reviews to find models with proven effectiveness for allergy sufferers. Be sure to look for devices with HEPA filters and consider your specific needs, such as pet allergies or chemical sensitivities.

How does Dyson’s air purifier compare for allergy relief?

Dyson’s air purifiers, such as the Pure Cool and Pure Hot+Cool models, deliver efficient allergy relief with their HEPA and activated carbon filtration systems. They offer additional features, like air quality monitoring and smart home integration. While they may carry a higher price tag, Dyson’s purifiers provide effective allergen removal and a range of useful features suitable for allergy sufferers.

By Erica Kelly

Hi I'm Erica Kelly, welcome to my blog! I live in in sunny Florida, I'm a dedicated Miami Dolphins fan and a lover of all things culinary, I explore the world through my travels and share these experiences on this blog. When I'm not on the road or savoring new cuisines, I'm contributing to the healthcare industry with dedication and compassion. My life is a unique tapestry of professional commitment, sports enthusiasm, and an endless pursuit of new adventures.